Friday, January 1, 2010

Skillet Chicken

Chicken can be tricky.  It is easy to cook it too dry or too tough.  Here are a few tips for perfect chicken (generally breasts or tenderloins), every time!

1.  When cooking breasts, cut into smaller strips, as it's nearly impossible to cook through to the thickest part before the chicken gets dry or tough.
2.  Use a bit of olive oil or butter to brown the chicken on both sides.
3.  Begin on medium high or high heat.  Heat up the olive oil or butter a bit.  Quickly brown the chicken on both sides...a nice golden brown.  Searing the chicken will keep the juices in as the rest of the meat cooks through.
4.  By the time the second side is browned on tenderloins, they are usually done, and very tender.  With breasts, turn down heat to medium or medium high and let cook through.  Don't let it cook too long, or it has a chance to become dry.  Add salt and pepper.

This is a foolproof method for skillet chicken, the building block for so many other recipes!